Dotty Attie, Prone, Oil on Linen: 3 paintings 6" X 6" each. Date 2002.

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Oriole Farb Feshbach, Unweave a rainbow #5, watercolor, pastel, charcoal 30"X22", 2003

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Irene Hardwicke Olivieri, Like milk for a kitten,  (oil on rising bowl), 2006, 55" x 20.5"

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Audrey Anastasi Psychodrama Mama , 60x48, Oil on Canvas

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Sylvia Sleigh, The Blue Dress, oil on canvas, 66 x 34, March 1970

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Mary Grigoriadis, BY THE SEA #2, Pastel on paper,

Mary Grigoriadis, BY THE SEA #2, Pastel on paper, 27" x 37", l988                                       Photo credit: Raffi Imaging

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Orly Cogan, Spin Cycle, detail : 74"x74", hand stitched embroidery & paint on vintage bed cover. 2006

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Linda Stein - Equality 272, 1996
wood, metal, stone
26" x 13" x 6"

Judith Bernstein, Seven Horizontal Column, composed of individual drawings 16 x 22 inches
(overall approx. 136 x 20 inches).Charcoal on paper. Images from 1970-2006.

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Howardena Pindell, Diallo, detail, 2000, Acrylic, Vinyl Type, Polymer- Photo-transfer on canvas 38x50

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Deborah Remington, Episode, oil on linen,  32” x 24". Date: 2004           photo credit: Deborah Remington

Image copyright of the artist Deborah Remington. This image my not be reproduced, copied or used in any form without the expressed permission of the artist.

Tabla Rasa Gallery 224 48th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11220
Sunset Park ARts Community ( SPArC )     917.880.8337   fax 718.833.9118