
Dotty Attie, Prone, Oil on Linen: 3 paintings 6" X 6" each. Date 2002.
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Oriole Farb Feshbach, Unweave a rainbow #5, watercolor, pastel, charcoal 30"X22", 2003
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Irene Hardwicke Olivieri, Like milk for a kitten, (oil on rising bowl), 2006, 55" x 20.5"
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Audrey Anastasi Psychodrama Mama , 60x48, Oil on Canvas
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Sylvia Sleigh, The Blue Dress, oil on canvas, 66 x 34, March 1970
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Mary Grigoriadis, BY THE SEA #2, Pastel on paper, 27" x 37", l988 Photo credit: Raffi Imaging
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Orly Cogan, Spin Cycle, detail : 74"x74", hand stitched embroidery & paint on vintage bed cover. 2006
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Linda Stein - Equality 272, 1996 wood, metal, stone 26" x 13" x 6"

Judith Bernstein, Seven Horizontal Column, composed of individual drawings 16 x 22 inches (overall approx. 136 x 20 inches).Charcoal on paper. Images from 1970-2006.
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Howardena Pindell, Diallo, detail, 2000, Acrylic, Vinyl Type, Polymer- Photo-transfer on canvas 38x50
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Deborah Remington, Episode, oil on linen, 32” x 24". Date: 2004 photo credit: Deborah Remington
Image copyright of the artist Deborah Remington. This image my not be reproduced, copied or used in any form without the expressed permission of the artist.