Douglas Newton, Three Almond Kisses, oil on canvas, 18”x24”
Renee Lynch, Secret, oil on canvas , 60" x 72”
Fran Beallor, Mysterious Entry,oil on canvas,,22”x16”
Helen Levitt, Broken Mirror, photograph
Philomena Marano,Giant Lolly, Cut Paper, 24”x80”
Beatrice Coron, Rings, cut Tyvek,60”x84”
Alexander Kozloff, Cats Cradle, oil on canvas
Stephen Basso, Birthday Boy, oil on canvas, 72x78
Tom Hagen, American Flyer 3, oil on canvas
Childish Things - October 12 - December 10, 2011 click image for hi res file for publication use
Tabla Rasa Gallery 224 48th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11220Sunset Park ARts Community ( SPArC )718 833,9100 fax 718.833.9118
link to Guides Association of New York City