Matthew Couper, Birth of a Nation, oil on metal, 8x10 Hi Res
Matthew Couper, Contemporary Lady of the Flowers, oil on metal, 14x11 Hi Res
Matthew Couper, Dead History, oil on metal, 11x8 Hi-Res
Rob McLeod, Meeting Dead Alien Richter Robot, oil on ply, 12x12 Hi-Res
Rob McLeod, Meeting North, oil on ply, 12x12 Hi-Res
Lorene Taurerewa, The Justice League of Mythomania No 2, watercolor, detail Hi-Res
Warwick McLeod, Bandage Boy and His Pig,oil on canvas, 25x15 Hi-Res
Mason Saltarrelli, Parts of the Whole, gouache on paper,24x18 Hi-Res