Stations of the Cross - Press Release - click for attachment
Joseph Anastasi, Jesus is Condemned - Station One, mixed media, 14x14
Danny Simmons, Jesus Carries His Cross - Station Two, mixed media
Pamella Allen, Jesus Falls for the First Time - Station Three,18x14, acrylic, sand, mixed media on canvas
Sylvia Maier, Jesus Meet His Sorrowful Mother - Station Four
Anders Knutsson, Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross - Station Five, oil wax on linen, 17x14
Audrey Anastasi, Veronica Washes Jesus Face - Staion Six, Oil on Birch Ply, 14x14
Donovan Nelson, Jesus Falls for the Second Time - Station Seven, relief, 14x14
Willie May Brown, Jesus Meets the Women - Station Eight, oil on canvas
Anne Peabody.Jesus Falls for the Third Time - Station Nine
Lawrence Terry, Jesus is Stripped of His Garments - Station Ten,mixed media ( on paper ) acrylic, burnt & smoked hues, copper foil, assemblage
Otto Neals, Jesus is Nailed to the Cross - Station Eleven, acrylic on canvas
C Bangs, Jesus Dies on the Cross - Station Twelve,oil and metallic pigment on panel
Franz Lanspersky,Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross - Station Thirteen
Andrea Spiros, Jesus laid in the tomb - Station Fourteen. acrylic on 14"x14" wood panel with antique hand cut iron nail.